APOLLONIS is the Greek Infrastructure for Digital Arts, Humanities and Language Research and Innovation, recently formed by the union of two existing ESFRI-related national research infrastructures: clarin:el, the CLARIN-related Greek network for language resources, technologies and services; and DARIAH-GR/DYAS, the DARIAH-related Greek network for digital research in the Humanities.

The development of the APOLLONIS infrastructure advances the existing clarin:el and DARIAH-GR/DYAS services within a common framework that will ensure interoperability and reach to broader user communities, as well as promoting open science principles.

APOLLONIS will establish a unified, open virtual workspace that will enable access to interoperable digital resources, curation and editing tools, good practice guidelines and support. Furthermore, through the clarin:el and DARIAH-GR/DYAS national networks, APOLLONIS will continue Greece’s participation to the european infrastructures CLARIN and DARIAH, respectively.